Nomadic Bull B&B & Books

Partnership Drive

Partnership Drive

So we're off and running. We have just over a month before we start shooting Changing Landscapes Vancouver Island and we've sent out partnership proposals. Sponsorship is always a tricky thing, after all there's only such much allocated for advertising and as we're approaching the last quarter of the year many budgets have already been spoken for.

Welcome to

Welcome to

So, after much deliberation and toing and froing we bit the bullet and opened up a new shop. Dominik and I have been busy this past week designing a new site. There've been many phone calls between Atlin and Gabriola posing questions on style and substance regarding this new site. After all, Dominik is a landscape artist and I wield a film camera, so thoughts and tastes didn't always coincide. Many questions were posed, most were dealt with, and some linger on....

"What do you think of this?" "That's cool!" "I like that." "What...are you kiddiing...that sucks!"

Yes, much time on the phone, but here we are....and we hope you approve of our efforts. Obviously there will be tweaking here and there and content will be added as developments unfold, but the bones have arrived!